Our Videos
There are lots of great Xtreme videos on YouTube. You can go to Our Site to see a bunch of them. We will try to
keep fresh videos on this site from the incredible YouTubers we support and meet. If you
want to keep up with the hobby, learn how to set up and manage one or many aquariums;
find out which fish live best together; learn how to plant and aquascape; how to
medicate a sick fish or fishes; or how to keep your fish healthy and in full natural
color; we recommend the following YouTubers. (When we find good ones, we try to support
their efforts.)
We support, but do not pay, these sites with more to come. Many are
hobbyists that loved Xtreme enough to take the time to share us on YouTube...we cherish
these people. They are all great folks, but Cory from Aquarium Coop has really taken a
lot of his valuable time to advised us on how to improve Xtreme and he was the one that
encouraged us (he actually said to me, "your site sucks.") to replace our 10-year-old
website with this one.
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